Getting The Right Auto Parts For DIY Frontend Collision Repairs


Sometimes, a front-end collision can be mostly cosmetic. Thus, you might want to do your own repairs. The repairs can include things like replacing a radiator, core support, and auto body parts like fenders. The following auto parts information will help you get what you need to complete these types of repairs.

Types of Parts That Will Be Needed 

The crumple zone of modern cars often makes front-end damage look worse than it really is. Sometimes, you only need a few parts to repair your car and get it back in safe driving condition again. Common parts that you might need for front-end collision repairs include:

  • Bumper Covers
  • Grilles
  • Radiators
  • Fenders

These are some of the parts that you might need for simple front-end repairs to your car.

Options for Buying Auto Parts for Repairs

When it comes to getting the auto parts you need for repairs, you have a lot of choices. Some of the options will be just like the factory parts, and others can be upgrades to improve your car. Some of the different types of auto parts you have to choose from include:

  • OEM parts: These are the parts that are the original parts that your car was equipped with at the factory. 
  • Used Parts: These parts can be anything that is in good condition and can be used to complete the front-end collision repairs on your car.
  • Aftermarket Parts: These are specially designed parts from other companies. Usually, aftermarket parts are designed to improve the appearance of performance of your car. 
  • Salvage Auto Parts: These parts are often from cars that have been totaled in accidents or salvaged for other reasons. Salvaged auto parts can often be like-new and are a good option for repairs. 

These are some of the different types of auto parts that you can choose from to complete your front-end collision repairs. 

Completing the Front-end Repairs

Finally, you are going to need to complete the repairs. Start by assessing the front of your car. Turn the wheels straight and look for obvious signs of frame damage. If you are sure that the damage is mostly cosmetic, you can begin by removing the bumper cover and fenders. After you remove the front-end parts, you can begin removing mechanical parts like the core support and radiator. Inspect all other mechanical parts for damage and replace them when you put everything back together. 

If you want to use auto parts to do your own front-end repairs, there are plenty of options available. Contact an auto parts repair service to get the help you need with these repairs.


27 June 2022

choosing the best parts for your car

Some cars require more repairs than others. If your car is constantly breaking down for one reason or another, do you know if it is the parts that you are buying that could be causing the need for constant repairs? Just like cars are not built with equal quality, the same can be said for the parts you use to make the repairs. If you are shopping for parts, you are probably looking at a list of parts and their prices. Is the most expensive option always going to be the best choice? Are the more affordable options actually going to break sooner? To learn how to go about choosing the best parts for your car, visit my website.